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ponzi scheme

美 [ˈpɑːnzi skiːm]英 [ˈpɒnzi skiːm]
  • 网络庞氏骗局;非法集资
ponzi schemeponzi scheme
  1. Moreover , this public sector Ponzi scheme is more flexible than a private one .


  2. Levels of welfare provision are unaffordable ; government finance is a huge Ponzi scheme .


  3. However , the consequences of this arrangement do indeed have the character of a Ponzi scheme .


  4. In the world of finance , describing something as a Ponzi scheme is a standard form of abuse .


  5. What will happen to Tang and all investors of an alleged Ponzi scheme ?


  6. He was the banker whose daughter ran a ponzi scheme with his investors ' money .


  7. Thegovernment bond market is usually a Ponzi scheme .


  8. It was a pattern that would repeat itself when the Ponzi scheme got going in earnest several decades later .


  9. As with Bernard Madoff 's Ponzi scheme , everything went well provided they continued to put money into the market .


  10. That was three days before Bernie Madoff was arrested for operating the biggest Ponzi scheme in history .


  11. Mr Stanford was convicted in March on charges that he ran the Ponzi scheme for more than two decades .


  12. Madoff himself described his investment business as an unsophisticated " Ponzi scheme ," according to investigators who interviewed him .


  13. In2006 , one potential investor actually branded it a Ponzi scheme and took his suspicions to the Securities and Exchange Commission .


  14. For all its malevolence , the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme , dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money .


  15. If you had the good fortune never to have invested in what may end up being the biggest Ponzi scheme in history , count your blessings .


  16. And worries remain that another Ponzi scheme could be brewing , along the lines of Bernie Madoff or Robert Allen Stanford .


  17. Does this make Social Security a Ponzi scheme , to quote Rick Perry , the governor of Texas and a leading Republican presidential candidate ?


  18. " It 's a Ponzi scheme whose head is the central bank , and it can print money ," says Victor Shih , a China expert at Northwestern University .


  19. Sceptics retort that the Chinese eventually will realise they are acting as enablers in an untenable fiscal Ponzi scheme and cut their losses .


  20. When a wave of redemptions hit the Madoff funds , the Ponzi scheme , as Mr Madoff himself reportedly called it , became unworkable .


  21. KPMG will not be sued in a case involving the accountancy firm 's auditing of a'feeder fund'into confessed swindler Bernard Madoff 's ponzi scheme .


  22. Today , Bernard Madoff , architect of the world 's biggest financial fraud , a $ 65bn Ponzi scheme that ruined thousands of investors , will learn his fate .


  23. I gift-wrapped and delivered the largest Ponzi scheme in history to them , he said . Most officials did not understand ... the 29 red flags that I handed them .


  24. In legal terms , it may have a defence , since a US court ruled in another case that a hedge fund advisory group was not liable for failing to spot a Ponzi scheme .


  25. Here is where this situation resembles a pyramid or a Ponzi scheme . Some of the original bondholders are being paid with the official loans that also finance the remaining primary deficits .


  26. No one knew exactly what Mr Madoff was doing but there were suspicions in parts of Wall Street that he was either front-running his broking customers or operating a Ponzi scheme .


  27. Account statements sent to Madoff investors in the weeks before his arrest showed a balance of about $ 65bn ; Mr Madoff initially said he committed a $ 50bn Ponzi scheme .


  28. It is the latest in a string of massive penalties for the largest US bank by assets , of which about $ 2bn will go to victims of the $ 20bn Ponzi scheme .


  29. The company will be based at 885 Third Avenue in Manhattan , known as the Lipstick Building , from where Mr Madoff 's Ponzi scheme was run from the now infamous 17th floor .


  30. From being branded a fraudster to being accused of running a Ponzi scheme , Goel was " crucified " on the cross of cynicism .
